After 40 minutes in Merlion Park, we went to Perfume Station. Here, the perfume is quite cheap compare to Malaysia. I'm not the perfume lover, so i cannot keep telling you more hehe. But, one of the students said the price is cheaper than perfume sold in Msia. Again, we forgot to take pics there. Nothing special, it just like ordinary souvenir shop.
Next, we're heading to China Town. The tour guide suggest us to buy souvenirs here as the price bargainable n cheaper. Keadaan China Town, sama macam Petaling Street, cuma PS lebih sesak dan padat.

China Town

Yan and me struggling to find souvenirs. at the end, i just buy tiny2 little souvenirs for me n my friends hehe. Cannot spend to much on buying things coz i want to spend all it out in Sentosa Island (ala2 theme park kat singapore).
Next, lunch n pray time. We went to Arab Street. Kat sini, nak makan apa2 pun ada dan ianya halal. Kawasan org Islam kat singapore. After pray, we all window shopping next to mosque. The place is nice and some of the souvenirs cheaper than the one in China Town. Tapi dah beli nak wat camna. dah nasib~ hehe
Next, lunch n pray time. We went to Arab Street. Kat sini, nak makan apa2 pun ada dan ianya halal. Kawasan org Islam kat singapore. After pray, we all window shopping next to mosque. The place is nice and some of the souvenirs cheaper than the one in China Town. Tapi dah beli nak wat camna. dah nasib~ hehe

Gambar kat atas ni just want to show you all, car in singapore SUPERB! BMW car just like myvi in Malaysia. mana2 ja ada BMW. Keta sport mahal parking kat tepi jalan orang dah tak heran kat sana. fuh! kaya2...
Taxi pun grand. Honda Accord pun jadi taxi. Kat atas, salah satu contoh cab/taxi.
Tgh on the way pg Arab Street, we found interesting design. Looks like christmas tree but surrounded by people. The tour guide said, it is a symbol for working hard for all workers in singapore. If the worker felling stress, they look at it to gain some energy (they believe colors will help them). Macamana tak stress, kiri kanan konkrit dan mereka kekurangan warna hijau, lack of flora n fauna.
Cont. Part 3

Cont. Part 3
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