Ghathering Batch 062xxxx (sisters only)
Venue: Female Sport Complex
Theme: supposed to be Black n Red (but there is some wore pink on that day including me, '!excusua! for that hehe')
Start with announcement attached by Nurainon a week before the event through advance media today, FaceBook. Actually the idea come spontaneously while she was wasting her precious time securing the FB. hehe. She took a pic n upload n tag all 062xxxx sisters but only can tag maximum 50 person. (Sorry for brothers 062, leceh nak kutip fees kat korg =)
Then, unexpectedly the idea give a positive respond by all.
Jom layan gambar. Zasss~
Then, unexpectedly the idea give a positive respond by all.
Jom layan gambar. Zasss~
So, without any delay, we meet with all 'org besar' (memang besar pun kih3) Tuesday nite at HS cafe to plan about the event. Who take in charge/responsible for the BBQ. All segregation of duties will be take charge in a team, begins with who gonna buy the things until cleaning process. What make it the BEST is that all are willingly to help. Luv u oLLs..(sedih lak time ni. iskh2..)
Banner sponsored by Cepah. Lukisan n tulisan comey ni done by Daya,Aniz n Cepah.
Game ni di ilhamkan oleh Nadia Raes. Semua kena cabut satu nama, then wat pandangan anda tentang org tu.
Aku still x dapat agak siapa yang tulis komen ni (geram...hush!). Tapi yang pasti dia budak mahallah aminah tp bukan kos akaun. Komennya berbunyi:
- seorang yang peramah
- suka senyum
- Nampak macam rajin
- Selalu jumpa kat cafe (mesti suka makan hihi...)
I know this gathering only consist 3 over 4 sisters for 062xxxx batch. InsyaAllah, we plan for another event for all of us can attend.
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