Kasut aku dah koyak kat dlm coz dah 4 sem x tukar(equal to 1 year, and a half) + i only have dis shoe. Sport pun kadang2 ak guna yg ni gak. (hehe..macamana x rosak) So, i'll have to find another pair of shoes.
For me, it's better to buy a little bit 'expensive' shoes with a good quality rather than buying something cheaper but can wear only months. Coz i'm going to wear this shoes wherever i go n of course, sedia maklum ak ni agak kuat jalan + lasak. That is why kena beli yg thn lasak sikit.
Maybe some people think i'm such a high demand person, but please think again. A pair of shoes worth RM 200 + quality is good + long lasting versus a shoe worth RM 50 + quality is 50% less than expensive one + only can survive within 5 to 7 months (then u have to buy a new shoe). The price will be the same. So for the conclusion, better buy a good one. But make sure it will not burden U n U gonna wear that shoe. Jangan amalkan amalan membazir.
“Sesungguhnya orang yang membazir itu adalah saudara syaitan.” Demikian gambaran atau kedudukan orang yang membazir di sisi Allah (al-Isra’ 27)
Skrg ni baru process mencari. Survey harga. So, my choice kali ni nak beli Skechers.
Kat KLCC ada. Sampai ja dah berkenan.
Malas nak cerita. Jom layan gambar~
Kasut aku dah koyak kat dlm coz dah 4 sem x tukar(equal to 1 year, and a half) + i only have dis shoe. Sport pun kadang2 ak guna yg ni gak. (hehe..macamana x rosak) So, i'll have to find another pair of shoes.
For me, it's better to buy a little bit 'expensive' shoes with a good quality rather than buying something cheaper but can wear only months. Coz i'm going to wear this shoes wherever i go n of course, sedia maklum ak ni agak kuat jalan + lasak. That is why kena beli yg thn lasak sikit.
Maybe some people think i'm such a high demand person, but please think again. A pair of shoes worth RM 200 + quality is good + long lasting versus a shoe worth RM 50 + quality is 50% less than expensive one + only can survive within 5 to 7 months (then u have to buy a new shoe). The price will be the same. So for the conclusion, better buy a good one. But make sure it will not burden U n U gonna wear that shoe. Jangan amalkan amalan membazir.
“Sesungguhnya orang yang membazir itu adalah saudara syaitan.” Demikian gambaran atau kedudukan orang yang membazir di sisi Allah (al-Isra’ 27)
Skrg ni baru process mencari. Survey harga. So, my choice kali ni nak beli Skechers.
Kat KLCC ada. Sampai ja dah berkenan.
Malas nak cerita. Jom layan gambar~

Tiba-tiba...(masukkan sound effek guruh ckit)

Punya lah aku kecewa. Nasib baik x pegang. Kang x pasal2 ak kena samak..iskh2
Kenapa la yang lawa2 semua ada "pig skin". Apa kelebihan pig skin ni eh? Memangla saje nak memesongkan org islam. Dah la design cantik
Nampaknya terpaksa meneruskan pencarian kasut terbaik..
Nanti aku fed up, x pasal2 pakai yg ni..hehe
2.18 am
ko beli jak kasut crops
kwn aku ckp memang selesa
n thn
sesuai la ngan ko
tp harga dia within 200 kot
tu la..kwn ak pun suggest crocs. tp dia kata byk choice d OU. susa mau pg sana. jauh hehe...thanx 4 da suggestion mek..
mid valley ada kedainya
banyak giler choice
pilih je n sediakan duit
crocs la bukan crops
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