Every sunday morning, i'm surely check in at Pasar Besar KK together with my mum as my mum buat biz jual2 goreng cucur, pisang, cendol etc dpn sekolah. This 2 weeks, i met my secondary school teachers but I HAVE FORGOTTEN THEIR NAMES. As usual, i'm greeting them & talk a bit how's my life now & bla bla bla....but i still could not remember their names (2 org cikgu). TERUK BTOL AKU NI! ayooook..then i call my mum, ty "mak apa nama cikgu ni?" then my mum said "cikgu sendiri boleh lupa" then i replied "bukan lupa mak, cuma x igt" ^_^
After living in KL for 7 years studying + working, there's so many things in KK i've left behind esp my 'MEMORIES'. Kalo cuti pun, paling lama di kk, 2-3 weeks. Even sometimes i felt i'm nobody in KK. Even my mums' friend pun sometimes not noticed my existence. "Anak ke, x pernah nampak pun puan". Padahal dah pernah jumpa dulu. Duluuuuu la time blaja kat uia. Hmmm~ One sentence that surely prove that i should stay n work in KK. Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan segalanya..Now, it's my time to remain & retain all memories dat i've forgotten. Maybe i shud socialized more here. Still searching how to start ^_^
Last night, I cried again as i miss them soo much. Hangout, gossiping, bertazkirah with them. Kadang-kadang rasa sedih coz my life now transformed into more into career oriented. No more lepak-lepak after kerja, weekends pun xda kuar ngan gang carik try makanan. Pegi kerja pagi, balik malam. Kadang2 sengaja balik malam coz kt rumah mesti trus tdo. It takes time to gain 'new life' in KK, baru 6 bulan maa..sabar ye cik helang :)
sorg dah kawen time ni. duduk yg kiri skali pun dah kawen. tinggal 8 lg single mingle ^_^ |
p/s: although my blog has no reader, still nak update pasal my boring life kan. Actually, there is no term 'life is boring'. Life is fascinating, it juz we don't realize it. that's one of the reason that i think i shud active blogging back ^_^..be extra +ve k. bye :)