After 1 year working at ..., I'm nearly to my officially jobless now (already give one month notice.hooray!!! :). Why am I quitting the job? It's confidential actually he~.. (I'm still respect the comp as i gained double triple quadruple experience in tax and also handling legal case which some of the audit firm didn't have). Just I want BARAKAH in my monthly earning. That is one of the reason. There are 2nd, 3rd +++ valid reasons why, and If u urself in my position, I 90% guarantee that you would do the same. I'll be the 3rd person quitting the job this month. Another 3 will join me and others at the end of the Dec. In 6 months period, the 6 people tendered in the comp. Therefore, now I am searching new job as I want start in middle of Jan 2012.
Ya Allah, Permudahkanlah hambaMu ini mencari perkerjaan. Amin~

Stay Cool~